



1. General Provisions

This Confidentiality Policy (“Policy”) shall establish rules for collection, use, storage, transmission and protection of personal data that can be obtained by AGRAIN Group (“Company”) while you (“User”) use this website or related websites, pages and services of the Company (“Services”). Please read this Policy carefully before you use our website. By using the Company’s Services the User shall confirm their acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Policy.

2. Collection and Use of Personal Data

2.1. The Company shall collect personal data required for provision and quality improvement of the Services, including but not limited to name and surname, contact phone number, email address, gender, date of birth, information about use of the Services, IP-address, cookie files, parameters and settings of internet browsers, etc. The Company shall collect only those personal data (such as your name and surname, contact phone number, email address, gender, age, etc.) that you provided to us freely and deliberately as a personal data subject for the purpose of use of our Services, which in accordance with requirements of Ukrainian laws currently in force shall be deemed a consent of the personal data subject to processing of their personal data for the processing purposes specified in this Policy.

2.2. The Company may use collected data for the following purposes:

  • Provision, management, protection and improvement of the Services, including performance of contractual obligations;
  • Communication with the User, including sending messages, inquiries and information concerning use of the Services;
  • Improvement of the Services quality and usability, development of new Services;
  • Advertising and marketing, accepted by the User;
  • Processing of User inquiries and complaints concerning our website;
  • Ensuring website security and fraud prevention;
  • Checking compliance with terms and rules governing use of our website;
  • Other.

2.3. The Company shall not transmit personal data to third parties, except for cases when such transmission is required by the law, requested by the User or in other cases specified in this Policy, in particular:

  • for the purpose of establishment, exercise or protection of our legal rights (including provision of information to other parties for fraud prevention);
  • to employees of the Company, professional advisers, agents;
  • to members of our Group in the scope and for the purposes specified in this Policy;
  • in connection with any current or future litigation;
  • to any party that to our reasonable belief may file a request with a court or other competent authority for disclosure of such personal data, and in our reasonable opinion such court or competent authority will issue an order for disclosure of such personal data.

2.4. The Company hereby warrants and represents that it shall not sell or lease out the User’s personal data. The Company shall not collect or process your personal data regarding your race or ethnic background, political, religious or worldview beliefs, membership in political parties and trade unions, criminal records or health records, information about sex life, biometrical or genetic data (as per Art. 7 of the Law of Ukraine “Personal Data Protection”).

2.5. The website may contain links to other websites (for information purposes only). If you follow the link to other websites this Policy shall not apply to such websites. Therefore, the Company recommends reading confidentiality and personal data policy for each website before you provide any personally identifiable data.

3. Cookie Files and Analytics

3.1. Cookie files are text files or files containing a small scope of information that are sent to a web-browser and are stored on the user’s device. Such devices include a computer, a mobile phone or other device the User uses to access the website. Cookie files may be eternal (called persistent cookies) and can be stored on a computer until the user deletes them, or temporary (called session cookies) that are stored until the browser is closed. Besides, cookies may be first-party cookies (set directly by the visited website) and third-party cookies (set by other websites).


  • when the User visits the website again cookies are updated;
  • in most cases web-browser allows automatic storage of cookies on the User’s device by default;
  • deactivation of cookies may lead to restriction of access to posted materials and/or inadequate functioning of the website services.

3.2. The Company’s website uses cookies for the User’s maximum comfort in using the Services, in particular, for storage of the User’s settings and for collection of statistical data about website visitors. 

3.3. The Company uses analytical tools such as Google Analytics to analyze use of the Services by the Users in order to improve quality of the Services and their content.  

4. Data Protection

4.1. The Company shall apply all technical, organizational and administrative security measures for protection of personal data of the Users against unauthorized or random access, deletion, change, blocking, copying, dissemination, or other wrongdoings.

4.2. You hereby confirm your awareness of the fact that transmission of information via internet is unprotected in essence, and we cannot guarantee security of data sent via the World Wide Web.

5. User Rights

5.1. The User (as a personal data subject) shall have the following rights:

  • to access their personal data, to correct, delete or limit processing thereof, and the right to object to processing of their personal data;
  • to receive a reply as to whether their personal data are being processed and to receive contents of such personal data within thirty calendar days from the date of receipt of an inquiry to that effect, except for cases stipulated by the Law of Ukraine “Personal Data Protection”;
  • to file complaints regarding processing of their personal data to the Human Rights Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine or a court;
  • to enjoy other rights granted to the personal data subject by the Law of Ukraine “Personal Data Protection”.

5.2. For the purpose of exercise of their rights the User may contact the Company using contact details specified in this Policy.

6. Changes in Confidentiality Policy

6.1. The Company may change this Policy. New version of the Policy shall become effective once it is posted on the website, unless otherwise provided for by the new version of the Policy.

7. Contact Details

7.1. In case of any questions, comments or inquiries regarding this Policy, please contact us using the following details: 7, Okhtyrskyi Lane, Building 3, office 3A-101, Holosiivskyi District, Kyiv, 03066; email:, tel. +38 (067) 485-85-69.

This Policy shall be the Company’s obligation to protect confidentiality of your data and secure use thereof in accordance with Ukrainian laws currently in force.